Canvas tents directly face any extreme weather conditions and save us while camping. So they are supposed to get damaged over time and several uses. Therefore, campers are more or less familiar with various tent related problems. One common problem is tears or holes in the tent cloth. It is not possible to replace the old one every time as that would be quite expensive. In that case knowing how to patch a canvas tent comes as blessing. Isn’t it?
But is it possible to do without any technical expertise? We believe it is. In this article we will help you learn how to patch a canvas tent with ease with our exclusive guide. If you learn this today your tent will definitely last longer, so don’t miss it, and leave all your tension behind and read our article.

How to Patch a Canvas Tent (Step-by-Step Procedure)
As canvas tents are widely used because of their durability we thought of adding a dedicated how-to article on it. So, if you have a canvas tent at your home with some holes or tears in it just Follow these steps carefully and you will learn to patch a canvas tent. So here we go!!
- Strong waxed thread
- leather sewing needle
- Canvas repair patches or tape( also known as taffeta repair tape)
- A pair of scissors
- Seam sealer made for canvas.
Repairing a tent depends on how many tears or holes you have in your tent.It will take more time if it is your first attempt. Apparently, if you have just a hole it should take a maximum of 30 minutes. But if you have a tent with too many holes or tears, it will take time according to that.
Once you have collected all the essential things as guided above, follow this step by step guide on how to patch a canvas tent. But please do it one at a time.
Step 1: Sew the Holes
Your canvas tent may have holes or tears just as tiny as a mustard seed or they may be even larger. First, sew the holes properly. This makes the repairing firm and lasts longer. Be careful with your sewing pattern.
Use short stitches that look neat while being close to each other. Don’t try to pull extra tent fabric unnecessarily near the rips or tears while stitching as they can create tension in the tent fabric leading to another tear.
Step 2: Clean the Areas Properly
As you have sewed up the rips now it is time for the patches. But before patching, be sure to clean the areas. Cut off the excess thread if any.
Step 3: Creating the Patch to Avoid Damage
You may think once you have stitched the holes then what is the need for patching?? Well, the material around the tears will gradually weaken. So, covering them up is really important to avoid further damage and long-lasting of the tent.
Now, cut two patches ensuring them about 1.5 inches longer and wider than the tears. One we will use from inside and the other one from outside. Try to cut them in circular shapes keeping them large enough to cover the entire sewing areas.

Step 4: Patch it Up and Applying Sealer Around it
Now take a patch and sew it securely from inside covering the whole area. The stitches should be small so that the hole will not spread any more. Then, working from the outside, apply some amount of seam sealer (ideal for canvas) under the patch and place it over the sewn hole.
Make sure that it properly covers the hole. Now apply a bead of sealer around the patch both from inside and outside.
Step 5: Wait for a Few Hours for the Tent to Cure
Now, wait for some time for the tent to cure. Different sealers have different drying times and instructions. So follow the instructions carefully. It will be safe to wait for 24 hours before you pack your tent. Once it is done, it will make the areas watertight.
So you see how easy it is to patch the canvas tent!!
One more thing you should learn is if your canvas tent has got leaks how will you mend that??
Okay. So for the leaks, you need not do much. To stop a leak in the rain fly or upper surface of the tent you just apply the seam sealer and let it dry properly. To stop Leaks in the floor which may be due to tears or holes, locate and repair the tears and then seal the seam. You can use repair tape also.
We have provided you complete guidance on how to patch a canvas tent. Hope you have understood it clearly. All the steps are basic and simple as per our knowledge. You should not have difficulty doing this. So from now, just drop the idea of replacing a tent if it has tears and repair it yourself.
In this article, we have given you a solution to canvas tents. In our next article, we will come up with solutions for other tents also. So, don’t miss our articles. Have a safe and thrilling camping experience!
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