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How Hot is a Campfire: Finally It’s Answered for Good

Camping is fun. But there are some important things to remember if you’re making a campfire. They can turn into a disaster because campfires are very hot to cause fatal injury. So, you need to keep in mind things like how hot is a campfire, the hottest part of a campfire and the average cooking temperature along with how to properly build a campfire.

How Hot Is A Campfire?

The average campfire temperature is around 900 – 1100 degree F. The temperature varies on the basis of oxygen flow, the wood species, surface area etc. Huge bonfires are around 2000 degree F which can even melt some metals.

how hot is a campfire
How Hot is a Campfire (Get Your Answer Here)

How Hot Is A Campfire Flame?

A campfire’s flames bear two different temperatures. In the continuous flame region which is just a bit above the base of a campfire is around 1650 degrees F. But above it where the intermittent flame region begins, the temperature seems to fluctuate constantly.

Which Is The Hottest Part Of A Campfire?

The blue flames of a campfire are hotter than the yellow or orange ones. Seems strange, but it’s true.  You can more about the colors of the flames from here.

Where the yellow or orange flames are of 2000 degree F, the blue flames in the base bear around 2700 degree F. This is known as the hottest part of a campfire.

What Is The Average Cooking Temperature?

Foods are cooked via camping plates in the thermal plume region where no flames are visible. This region is about 600 degree F.

how to build a campfire

How To Build A Campfire? (Practical Guide for 2020)

Always choose a clean and dry place to build a campfire. If you have anything inflammable with you, make sure to maintain a distance of 15 feet from the fire to your belongings. After selecting the spot, you can arrange some stones and put them in a circle to create  a firewall. Inside of the circle, dig a 1 foot deep hole to make the fire-pit. Also, you have to clean debris around the fire-pit.

1. Using 3 Types Of Firewoods – To prepare a campfire you need to use 3 types of woods.These are

  • Tinder – Tinders can be anything from dry grass or dry leaves to small twigs, moss or bark, whatever that catches fire easily. 
  • Kindling – Kindlings are about an inch long wood sticks. They are used to spread the fire from Tinders to big firewoods. 
  • Fuel Wood – These are the final firewoods. Wood should be cut a couple feet long and split in quarters to make a long-lasting campfire. 

2. Making A Teepee –

  • Teepee is the basic lay of a campfire. First, you have to place the bundle of tinder in the fire-pit. After that you should place the kindling in a tent-shaped manner against each other, maintaining little gaps for air flow. Then the bigger sized kindlings should be added. At this point, you can lit fire. When the fire is spreading and the initial Teepee is burning, slowly add big firewoods into the fire-pit.

How To Make Campfire Hotter?

If you are not getting enough warmth from the campfire, you can make it a bit hotter by using completely dry woods. If you’re using woods which are a bit green, they would take more time to burn and thus, the heat won’t be increased. Also, choose softwoods over hardwoods to enhance the heat as softwoods burn quickly. 

If you’re still not getting enough heat, consider increasing the surface area of the fire. This will allow maximum oxygen flow to your campfire. Don’t forget to spread out the ashes as you increase the surface. 

How To Properly Extinguish The Fire?

Putting out the campfire should be considered as important as preparing it. You should drown it in water before leaving the place. Make sure the woods are completely wet. Pour more water to the ashes and feel whether they are still hot. Use more water if needed.

Campfires play a very important role in our outdoor adventures. They are very useful to boil water or cook foods. Campfires even protect you from wild animals. But they should be maintained very carefully and extinguished when not in use to avoid forest fire and any harm to other animals. I hope now you know how hot is a campfire, so you would all the necessary precautions while camping from now on. 

Rocky D

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